Kinross Curling

2024 KCT AGM

This is the formal notice that the next Annual General Meeting of the Kinross Curling Trust, (Scottish Charity Number SC040599), will be held on Thursday 29th August 2024 at 7pm in the lounge at the ice rink.


The following relevant documents are available from the home page of our website Any updates to these documents will also be available from the website.


              1.           Agenda of Meeting

              2.           Draft Minutes of AGM on 24th August 2023

              3.           2024 signed accounts

              4.           Nomination of Trustees Information

              5.           Trustee Nomination Form

              6.           Proxy Form


If a member requires the Trust to provide additional hard copies of any of the material for the AGM, please write to Angela Wilcox, at the address above enclosing a stamped addressed envelope, stating what is required. If any member requires clarification or further information, please contact me or any current member of the board.


Elected Trustees

The Board is comprised of up to eight elected Trustees, one RCCC nominated Trustee and up to 3 co-opted Trustees. 


The Board currently has seven elected Trustees and no co-opted Trustees. Under the Memorandum and Articles of Association any co-opted Trustees stand down at the end of the AGM along with one quarter of the elected Trustees (rounded up to the nearest whole number). The 2 elected Trustees who will stand down this time are Morag Wellman and Margaret Forrest. Both are eligible to stand again, and both have indicated that they are willing to do so. There are up to three vacancies for elected Trustees and members are encouraged to stand for these positions. The Board legally cannot operate with fewer than six Trustees. For an informal discussion about the role please contact me or any of the serving Trustees.


Nominations for the positions must reach Angela Wilcox at the address above before 7pm on Thursday 22nd August 2024. If there is to be a vote for the posts of elected Trustee, the candidates’ nominations will be circulated as soon as possible after this date via the website.



Article 26 of the Memorandum and Articles of Association provides for members to appoint a proxy.  The form for this purpose is attached and is on the Trust’s website with other documentation for this meeting.  To be valid, the completed proxy form must reach Angela Wilcox at the address above before 7pm on Tuesday 27th August.


Financial Examiners

Appointment of our financial examiners will be on the agenda at the AGM.